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Monthly Roundup: January 2024

This is the start of our efforts to be open and transparent with all aspects of our instance

Health Status

No incidents to report this month. Its been a relatively quiet period as everyone gets back into the swing of things after the winter festivities.

We have had the occassional casino bots join the instance. These tend to be dealt with relatively promptly, depending on the time of day they appear.

There will be more in future monthly roundups as we get in the grove of producing them.


Admin Team                  109.10
                Total:    £ 109.10 GBP
Server Costs                 45.83
Email Provider               28.80
Storage Bucket               18.33
Domain Name (£54.84/yr)       4.57
Other Associated Costs       11.57
                Total:    £ 109.10 GBP

As you can see, our Admin Team bears the cost of running the instance and have done since it was established in November 2022 and will contiue to do so for as long as possible.

Our Admin Team are also hopeful that starting from next month (February) we will be able to start building up a balance slowly in the effort to have a small surplus ready and waiting for a rainy day.

Wish To Contribute?

If you would like (and have the means) to assist with the instance's running costs, then you can contribute by using our ko-fi page.

All funds raised will solely be used to help cover the running & upgrade costs.