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Quarterly Roundup: Q1-2025

Welcome to the quarterly roundup of whats been happening within our instance & fediverse in what is the first quarter of our 3rd year (between the 5th November 2024 and the 4th February 2025).

Our Instance

As users migrate away from centralised platforms, we've seen an increase in the number of new users joining the instance. This has led to the number of active users on the instance increasing to just over 300.

We haven't noticed any significant issues in regards to our server loads, so we envisage that we'll be able to continue to support the growing number of users without any issues.


Over the last quarter, we have received 45 reports (29 reports about users on our own instance and 16 reports about users on other instances).

Due to these reports, we have taken action against 16 of these reports which resulted in 15 different user accounts being suspended (includes 3 local accounts).

The other reports upon reviewing them were deemed not to be in breach of our community guidelines. It was our view that a block at a user level was sufficient to address the issue due to difference of opinion or misunderstandings.

As mentioned previously, we will continue to review our guidelines to ensure they are up to date and relevant to the community.


We became aware that users could not signup/login to using their CR8R mastodon account and emailed their mod team in the effort of remedying that issue.

However we received zero response from them, despite the numerous follow up emails.

We will continue to seek clarification on this matter and will keep you updated on any developments.


Server Costs                149.49
Email Provider               32.49
Storage Bucket               48.23
Domain Name (£54.84/yr)      13.71
Other Associated Costs        0.00
                Total:    £ 243.92 GBP

As always, the CR8R Team will continue to cover the costs of the instance to maintain the service for the users.

User Donations                0.00
Admin Team                  250.00
                Total:    £ 250.00 GBP
Current Balance:          £   6.08 GBP

We will continue to increase our balance over the course of the year to ensure the instance remains stable and secure.

Wish To Contribute?

If you would like (and have the means) to assist with the instance's running costs, then you can contribute by using our ko-fi page.

All funds raised will solely be used to help cover the running & upgrade costs.

Alternatively assist with the day to day operations of the instance, whether thats at a technical level or helping with moderation, we are always looking for people to help out.

Reach out to us by emailing and tell us a little about yourself & your past experience.